raspberry pi 썸네일형 리스트형 Installation of MongoDB Cluster on Ubuntu on RaspberryPi Installation of MongoDB Install MongoDB on each of your Raspberry PI following the offical MongoDB installation guide. docs.mongodb.com/manual/tutorial/install-mongodb-on-ubuntu/ Install MongoDB Community Edition on Ubuntu — MongoDB Manual docs.mongodb.com Setting up the cluster Keyfile Authentication To enforce access control on internal members of replica set, MongoDB supports internal members.. 더보기 Building SpringBoot application for Kubernetes on RaspberryPi Prerequisite Raspberry Pi board with CentOS installed: ilyoan.tistory.com/entry/Installation-of-CentOS-8-on-RaspberryPi-4-B?category=901156 Kubernetes Cluster installed on the Raspberry Pi boards: ilyoan.tistory.com/entry/Installing-Kubernetes-Cluster-on-CentOS-8-Raspberry-PI?category=901156 Building SpringBoot application spring initializer spring initializer is a tool that creates bolier plate.. 더보기 Installing Kubernetes Cluster on CentOS 8 - Raspberry PI Prerequisite Before installing Kubernetes Cluster on CentOS8, it's obvious that you have CentOS8 running on Raspberry PI boards. ilyoan.tistory.com/entry/Installation-of-CentOS-8-on-RaspberryPi-4-B?category=901156 Installation of CentOS 8 on RaspberryPi 4 B Prerequisite RaspberryPi 4 I hope, I don't need to explain this micro SD Card RaspberryPi 4 uses micro SD card as main storage SD Card write.. 더보기 Installation of CentOS 8 on RaspberryPi 4 B Prerequisite RaspberryPi 4 I hope, I don't need to explain this micro SD Card RaspberryPi 4 uses micro SD card as main storage SD Card writer You'll need this to Flash CentOS image to the SD card HMDI to micro cable RaspberryPi4 uses micro HDMI port for HDMI output. You'll need to see the screen of RaspberryPi4 until you finish step in this blog to connect to you RaspberryPi via ssh over the net.. 더보기 이전 1 다음